AppStore 限时免费 iOS 手机 app 汇总 2023.1027

?LUCH: Photo Effects & Filters|原价¥3.0
?Dispo相机 – 8090年代经典胶片相机&氛围感滤镜|原价¥88.0
?PoPoem – 最纯粹的诗文创作平台|原价¥3.0
?Windy White Noise Sleep Sounds|原价¥15.0
?脑筋急转弯 – 亲子互动小游戏,陪伴孩子健康成长|原价¥18.0
?Phone Drive – 云储存管理和文件共享|原价¥28.0

《The Evil Within 2》《艾玛和泰迪熊:影子历险记》两款游戏限时免费领取

塞巴斯汀‧卡斯特拉诺警探失去了一切……但是拯救女儿的一线生机出现了,在《The Evil Within 2》中,塞巴斯汀必须再次进入恶梦的中枢世界。
周围的世界扭曲变形,可怕的威胁从四面八方涌出。在 Tango Gameworks 才华洋溢的团队所带来的这款令人焦虑不安的生存恐怖续作中,运用可升级的武器,巧妙地设下陷阱,甚至隐密地避开伤害来克服逆境。
深入《The Evil Within 2》的扭曲世界,重返恶梦来夺回人生和亲人。
艾玛和泰迪熊:影子历险记 以独特的俯视视角与侧向卷轴玩法和非凡的美学,重新定义了益智平台游戏这一大游戏类型。快来帮助艾玛和泰迪熊芬顿,解开著名魔术师托马斯·凯恩失踪一案的谜团吧。

AppStore 限时免费 iOS 手机 app 汇总 2023.1026

?Phone Drive 云储存管理和文件共享|原价¥28.0
?YaoYao – 跳绳|原价¥18.0
?Photo Edítor|原价¥15.0
?Week Calendar Widget Pro|原价¥15.0
?Big Clock : 現代時鐘|原价¥8.0
?Snap Markup – Annotation Tool|原价¥15.0


语雀宕机 7 个多小时后的补偿:免费赠送半年会员


针对语雀个人用户,我们赠送 6 个月的会员服务。操作流程:进入工作台「账户设置」,点击左侧「会员信息」,在会员信息页面点击「立即领取」,即可获得赠送服务。

10 月 23 日语雀出现重大服务故障,且持续 7 个多小时才完全恢复,给用户使用造成极大不便,对此我们深感抱歉。经过复盘,我们在这里向大家进一步说明故障原因、修复过程和改进措施。
10 月 23 日下午,服务语雀的数据存储运维团队在进行升级操作时,由于新的运维升级工具 bug,导致华东地区生产环境存储服务器被误下线。受其影响,语雀数据服务发生严重故障,造成大面积的服务中断。为了尽快恢复服务,我们和数据存储运维团队全力进行数据恢复工作,但受限于恢复方案、数据量级等因素,整体用时较长。具体过程如下:
14:07 数据存储运维团队收到监控系统报警,定位到原因是存储在升级中因新的运维工具 bug 导致节点机器下线;14:15 联系硬件团队尝试将下线机器重新上线;15:00 确认因存储系统使用的机器类别较老,无法直接操作上线,立即调整恢复方案为从备份系统中恢复存储数据。15:10 开始新建存储系统,从备份中开始恢复数据,由于语雀数据量庞大,此过程历时较长,19 点完成数据恢复;同时为保障数据完整性,在完成恢复后,用时 2 个小时进行数据校验;21 点存储系统通过完整性校验,开始和语雀团队联调,最终在 22 点恢复语雀全部服务。用户所有数据均未丢失。
通过这次故障我们深刻认识到,语雀作为一款服务千万级客户的文档产品,应该做到更完善的技术风险保障和高可用架构设计,尤其是面向技术变更操作的“可监控,可灰度,可回滚”的系统化建设和流程审计,从同 Region 多副本容灾升级为两地三中心的高可用能力,设计足够的数据和系统冗余实现快速恢复,并进行定期的容灾应急演练。只有这样,才能提升严重基础设施故障时的恢复速度,并从根本上避免这类故障再次出现。为此我们制定了如下改进措施:
2、运维团队加强运维工具的质量保障与测试,杜绝此类运维 bug 再次发生;
3、缩小运维动作灰度范围,增加灰度时间,提前发现 bug;

针对语雀个人用户,我们赠送 6 个月的会员服务。操作流程:进入工作台「账户设置」,点击左侧「会员信息」,在会员信息页面点击「立即领取」,即可获得赠送服务。

2023 年 10 月 24 日

凉凉!阿区土区这下真的要寄了!Steam 阿根廷和土耳其币种将改为美元

前些天刚说了土耳其的 oldubil 翻车了,
今天又是11月20日 Steam钱包中的任何余额将按当天的汇率转换为美元,
不过以后是不是就不用担心土阿区动不动被遣返了 ?





赶紧买游戏 ?

Steam 阿根廷和土耳其币种将改为美元


Steam 将把阿根廷和土耳其的销售货币改为美元,11月20日起实行!

Steam 商店将在阿根廷和土耳其开始使用美元结算,同时为拉丁美洲和中东/北非 25 个额外国家/地区引入新的区域价格。

从 11 月 20 日开始,Steam 将对阿根廷和土耳其更改为使用美元结算。Steam 将实施两个新的定价区域:拉丁美洲-美元定价(包括阿根廷)和中东及北非-美元定价(包括土耳其)。

部分国家/地区的定价可能会上涨,而其他国家/地区的定价可能会下降,这取决于这些游戏在 Steam 上的原定价。与所有 Steam 定价一样,游戏开发者选择他们想要在 Steam 上出售游戏的价格。

近年来,阿根廷和土耳其的汇率波动使得游戏开发商很难为他们的游戏选择合适的价格并保持最新价格。为阿根廷和土耳其的 Steam 客户以美元定价游戏将有助于为玩家和合作伙伴提供更高的稳定性和一致性。

—— Steam


New USD Pricing For Argentina and Turkey beginning November 20th.

The Steam store in Argentina and Turkey will start using USD, along with new regional prices for LATAM and Middle East/North Africa for 25 additional countries/ territories.

Starting on November 20th, Steam will change the currency used for sales in Argentina and Turkey to USD. We are implementing this with two new pricing regions: LATAM – USD (which includes Argentina) and MENA – USD (which includes Turkey). Some countries/territories in the list below may see pricing increase and others may see pricing decrease depending on how games were priced on Steam prior to this change. As with all Steam pricing, game developers choose the price they want to sell their game on Steam. See below for a list of all countries/territories included in these new pricing regions.

Why Now?

Exchange rate volatility in Argentina and Turkey in recent years has made it hard for game developers to choose appropriate prices for their games and keep them current. We have heard this loud and clear in our developer meet ups and round table chats. In addition, we have had a hard time keeping Steam payment methods up and running in these countries/territories due to the constant foreign exchange fluctuations, fees, taxes, and logistical issues. Pricing games in USD for Steam customers in Argentina and Turkey will help us provide greater stability and consistency for players and partners, while also enabling us to continue to offer a variety of payment methods to Steam users in those countries/territories.

Frequently Asked Questions

What will happen to my Argentine peso or Turkish lira Steam wallet balance?

On November 20th, 2023, any balance in your Steam wallet will be converted to USD at the day’s exchange rate.

What is happening for those other countries/territories included in LATAM-USD/MENA-USD pricing?

25 countries/ territories in Latin America and the Middle East & North Africa will be receiving regionalized USD pricing for the first time. Some countries/territories in the list below may see pricing increase and others may see pricing decrease depending on how games were priced on Steam by the developer prior to this change.

What about in-game transactions?

Going forward, in game transactions will default to transacting in USD in these new LATAM – USD and MENA – USD pricing regions.

What about subscriptions?

Any customer who had an active subscription on Steam in Argentine peso or Turkish lira will see their subscription automatically end after the active subscription period. You can re-subscribe to the new USD subscription in Steam in the Subscriptions Management Page. You can get to this page by going to your User name in the upper right of the Steam client then select Account details and click the Manage subscriptions link toward the top of the page.


Epic 喜加二:免费领取《无穷时线/Eternal Threads》《 恶灵附身/The Evil Within》


1. 《The Evil Within》   

简介:由Tango Gameworks开发,并由《Resident Evil》系列的制作人三上真司监制的《The Evil Within》,展现出了纯粹的生存恐惧。 你将化身塞巴斯汀‧卡斯特拉诺警探,在扭曲的恶梦世界利用有限的资源奋战求生。


2. Eternal Threads

