凉凉!阿区土区这下真的要寄了!Steam 阿根廷和土耳其币种将改为美元

前些天刚说了土耳其的 oldubil 翻车了,
今天又是11月20日 Steam钱包中的任何余额将按当天的汇率转换为美元,
不过以后是不是就不用担心土阿区动不动被遣返了 ?





赶紧买游戏 ?

Steam 阿根廷和土耳其币种将改为美元


Steam 将把阿根廷和土耳其的销售货币改为美元,11月20日起实行!

Steam 商店将在阿根廷和土耳其开始使用美元结算,同时为拉丁美洲和中东/北非 25 个额外国家/地区引入新的区域价格。

从 11 月 20 日开始,Steam 将对阿根廷和土耳其更改为使用美元结算。Steam 将实施两个新的定价区域:拉丁美洲-美元定价(包括阿根廷)和中东及北非-美元定价(包括土耳其)。

部分国家/地区的定价可能会上涨,而其他国家/地区的定价可能会下降,这取决于这些游戏在 Steam 上的原定价。与所有 Steam 定价一样,游戏开发者选择他们想要在 Steam 上出售游戏的价格。

近年来,阿根廷和土耳其的汇率波动使得游戏开发商很难为他们的游戏选择合适的价格并保持最新价格。为阿根廷和土耳其的 Steam 客户以美元定价游戏将有助于为玩家和合作伙伴提供更高的稳定性和一致性。

—— Steam


New USD Pricing For Argentina and Turkey beginning November 20th.

The Steam store in Argentina and Turkey will start using USD, along with new regional prices for LATAM and Middle East/North Africa for 25 additional countries/ territories.

Starting on November 20th, Steam will change the currency used for sales in Argentina and Turkey to USD. We are implementing this with two new pricing regions: LATAM – USD (which includes Argentina) and MENA – USD (which includes Turkey). Some countries/territories in the list below may see pricing increase and others may see pricing decrease depending on how games were priced on Steam prior to this change. As with all Steam pricing, game developers choose the price they want to sell their game on Steam. See below for a list of all countries/territories included in these new pricing regions.

Why Now?

Exchange rate volatility in Argentina and Turkey in recent years has made it hard for game developers to choose appropriate prices for their games and keep them current. We have heard this loud and clear in our developer meet ups and round table chats. In addition, we have had a hard time keeping Steam payment methods up and running in these countries/territories due to the constant foreign exchange fluctuations, fees, taxes, and logistical issues. Pricing games in USD for Steam customers in Argentina and Turkey will help us provide greater stability and consistency for players and partners, while also enabling us to continue to offer a variety of payment methods to Steam users in those countries/territories.

Frequently Asked Questions

What will happen to my Argentine peso or Turkish lira Steam wallet balance?

On November 20th, 2023, any balance in your Steam wallet will be converted to USD at the day’s exchange rate.

What is happening for those other countries/territories included in LATAM-USD/MENA-USD pricing?

25 countries/ territories in Latin America and the Middle East & North Africa will be receiving regionalized USD pricing for the first time. Some countries/territories in the list below may see pricing increase and others may see pricing decrease depending on how games were priced on Steam by the developer prior to this change.

What about in-game transactions?

Going forward, in game transactions will default to transacting in USD in these new LATAM – USD and MENA – USD pricing regions.

What about subscriptions?

Any customer who had an active subscription on Steam in Argentine peso or Turkish lira will see their subscription automatically end after the active subscription period. You can re-subscribe to the new USD subscription in Steam in the Subscriptions Management Page. You can get to this page by going to your User name in the upper right of the Steam client then select Account details and click the Manage subscriptions link toward the top of the page.

