




① 服用退烧药后仍发烧超过38.5℃,并持续超过2天;

② 体温35℃及以下;

③ 抽搐;

④ 呼吸困难或气促;

⑤ 失语或不能行动;

⑥ 不能苏醒或不能保持清醒;

⑦ 胸部或腹部疼痛;

⑧ 头晕或意识混乱或精神状态明显转变;

⑨ 虚弱或脚步不稳;

⑩ 孕妇的胎儿活动减少或停止(适用于妊娠期24周或以上的孕妇);

⑪ 持续不能饮食,或腹泻/呕吐超过2天。


Get advice from NHS 111 or a GP if:

you’re feeling gradually more unwell or more breathless

  • you have difficulty breathing when you stand up or move around
  • you feel very weak, achy or tired
  • you’re shaking or shivering
  • you’ve lost your appetite
  • you’re unable to care for yourself – for example, tasks like washing and dressing or making food are too difficult
  • you still feel unwell after 4 weeks – this may be long COVID


  • 您逐渐感到不适或呼吸困难
  • 站立或四处走动时呼吸困难
  • 您感到非常虚弱、疼痛或疲倦
  • 你在颤抖或发抖
  • 你已经失去了食欲
  • 您无法照顾自己 – 例如,洗衣,穿衣或制作食物等任务太困难了
  • 4 周后您仍然感到不适——这可能是长期的 COVID

Go to A&E immediately or call 999 if:

  • you’re so breathless that you’re unable to say short sentences when resting
  • your breathing has got suddenly worse
  • you cough up blood
  • you feel cold and sweaty, with pale or blotchy skin
  • you have a rash that looks like small bruises or bleeding under the skin and does not fade when you roll a glass over it
  • you collapse or faint
  • you feel agitated, confused or very drowsy
  • you’ve stopped peeing or are peeing much less than usual


  • 你气喘吁吁,休息时无法说短句
  • 你的呼吸突然变得更糟
  • 你咳血
  • 您感到寒冷和出汗,皮肤苍白或有斑点
  • 您的皮疹看起来像皮肤下的小瘀伤或出血,当您将玻璃杯滚动时不会褪色
  • 您虚脱或晕倒
  • 您感到烦躁、困惑或非常昏昏欲睡
  • 您已经停止小便或小便比平时少得多